About Us
Much like finding yourself in a book's introduction or author's note, you probably stumbled in here by complete accident, and are now frantically trying to escape as soon as possible-- lest you die from certain, panic inducing tedium.
But for the rest of you maniacally detail-oriented weenies of lofty intellect, this page of needless yet amusing information is for you! Enjoy!
We are a big-brained, t-shirt selling, newly born website trying to hurl ourselves right through the awkward, juvenile stages of new business flailings and floggings. Judging by the amount of teeth we're missing, we think it's going great! Please be patient with us as we work through pesky bugs that imitate the elusiveness of unicorns, that then simultaneously set land mines on our path to success.
Such is life. You can't get giant, super buff, rippling muscles without literally ripping muscles AMIRITE LADS!
We're charging toward our goals no matter the hardships along the steep, often invisible ascent to the mountain top; fully prepared for the setbacks, the pressures, the doubts and inevitable failures we shall fully embrace/bearhug/headlock into submission--as part of the exciting journey to success of course!
So fail well. Fail with honor. Fail and press onward --